Friday, March 30, 2012

Real Life Hacks & Cheats 13

(Twelfth set for Real Life Hacks & Cheats.)
Real Life Hacks & Cheats
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 2

Real Life Hacks & Cheats 3

Real Life Hacks & Cheats 4

Real Life Hacks & Cheats 5
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 6 
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 7
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 8
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 9

Real Life Hacks & Cheats 10
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 11
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 12


141. You know why many artist, scientist, and other great people 
said that you must be at all times true to yourself? It is because 
only the people who can understand you at your worst are the worth 
keeping and must experience the sweetness of your good side. 
Do not waste your time keeping the "parasite" ones.

142. You don't actually need shampoo. A soapy lather does everything 
shampoo does.

143. Righty tighty. Lefty loosy. (General direction of tightening 
and loosing anything, except the blade cap of the fan)

144. Try to put yourself in as many socially awkward situations as 
possible. You will be desensitized to it which makes you 
more outgoing.

145. Have confidence. Chicks dig confidence. 

146. Talk to everyone like you would your best mate, and smile.

147. Take a quick shower in the morning rather than before you 
sleep (or both). This way you will feel refreshed and ready to 
start the day.

148. If an officer of the law is giving you trouble and asks you where 
you are going, the correct answer is HOME, unless you are 
clearly not headed in the right direction.

149. Always get in the leftmost line. Unless you're in Britain and 
Philippines, then get in the rightmost queue. People naturally line 
up on the same side that they're used to driving on the road.

150. The color of the twist ties on bread in the supermarket indicate 
which day the bread was shipped fresh to the store.
Monday = Blue
Tuesday = Green
Thursday = Red
Friday = White
Saturday = Yellow


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