Real Life Hacks & Cheats
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 2
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 3
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 4
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 5
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 6
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 7
91. Never promise yourself anything that you won't be able to follow
through with. This makes you begin to doubt yourself & will
lower your confidence.
92. Always be extremely polite to your waiters & waitresses. They have
the power to do anything they want to your food. If you feel
like complaining, wait until after you received your meal.
93. If you don't have a preferred card or loyalty card for your
grocery store, just ask the cashier to use theirs. They'll scan their
card & you'll save money!
94. To lose weight, eat less carbs. To gain weight, eat more calories.
95. If you want to change something about yourself, repeat your intentions
to yourself over & over again. It will stick.
96. If you need to briefly turn the light on at night & don't want
to completely lose your night vision, keep one eye closed.
97. There are better & healthier ways to reduce stress than the
common methods (i.e. cigarettes & alcohol). Talk to a friend,
take a long walk in the park, play video games, read a book,
listen to relaxing music- all these methods work much better
than the dangerous methods.
98. Stretch in the morning. It will give you energy throughout
the day. You don't need coffee or energy drinks. Just be healthy-
it's the ultimate source of energy.
99. Sleeping very late is very bad for you. It gets your natural clock
out of order & is very unhealthy. Sleep on time & wake up early -
you'll feel better & get more stuff done!
100. Be organized. Your life depends on it. Any problem you are having
now in life can somehow be attributed to your lack of organization.
Make a to-do list, & get everything done.
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