Friday, February 24, 2012

Real Life Hacks & Cheats 9

(Ninth set for Real Life Hacks & Cheats.)
Real Life Hacks & Cheats
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 2

Real Life Hacks & Cheats 3

Real Life Hacks & Cheats 4

Real Life Hacks & Cheats 5
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 6 
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 7
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 8
101. Remember that when you did something evil, what you'll receive is
bad karma & when you did beautiful things, of course you will receive good
karma. So treat others how you wanted to be treated. If you don't,
then you will be treated the way you treat others.

102. If you want to slice an onion, cover not only your eyes but even your
nose. It's the gas that onion releases that's both irritant to our
eyes & nose.

103. Whenever you walk into a room or store or what not, always smile.
You will seem friendly & more approachable.

104. When you can, put your car in cruise control. It saves on unwanted
acceleration & gas money.

105. Do not give away any of your personal information online unless
you absolutely trust the company you are giving them to. Do research
online before giving away personal information.

106. Always spell-check before submitting any important documents.

107. If you want to memorize something & help it stick more, write it
down several times on a paper.

108. Do not believe you are addicted to anything (i.e cigarettes, coffee,
TV, video games). Addiction is only in the mind. The mind is more powerful
than anything. You control everything around you. Become the boss of
your actions & control them.

109. Learn to use Microsoft Excel. It can help get your life extremely
organized. The possibilities are endless.

110. If you're taking an open book test, the index in the back of the book
is your friend! It's like the "Google" of the book. It's got all
the answers.


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