(Another updates for Real Life Hacks & Cheats.)
Real Life Hacks & Cheats
Real Life Hacks & Cheats 2
31. Buy a dry erase calendar & hang it up in your room. Write all important due dates
& appointments, & you wont miss a thing!
& appointments, & you wont miss a thing!
32. Need biology, physics, algebra, calculus, chemistry, organic chemistry, or history help?
Go to http://www.khanacademy.org/. Thousands of quality videos that will surely help
you understand the material better!
Go to http://www.khanacademy.org/. Thousands of quality videos that will surely help
you understand the material better!
33. Always take pictures of a new apartment the day you move in. Make sure they are
physical copies, & mail them to yourself, do not open them, ever. Especially if are
doing low income renting. This is admissible in court & will usually get any civil suit.
physical copies, & mail them to yourself, do not open them, ever. Especially if are
doing low income renting. This is admissible in court & will usually get any civil suit.
34. If you rotate your iPhone's/iPod's Calculator app, it turns into a fully scientific calculator.
35. Pressing the "Like" button on facebook to someone else's post takes 1 second,
yet makes the receiver of the like feel very good about themselves. Take the time out &
just hit "like" & make people feel good. You might just make someone's day, & they
will return the favor one of these days.
yet makes the receiver of the like feel very good about themselves. Take the time out &
just hit "like" & make people feel good. You might just make someone's day, & they
will return the favor one of these days.
36. Put clothes in the dryer for a few minutes to get the wrinkles out.
37. Don't wear dark colors outside a sunny day. Dark colors attract more
heat to the body & will make you warmer. Bright colors will keep you cool.
heat to the body & will make you warmer. Bright colors will keep you cool.
38. Don't waste your time watching TV. In the end, you are only watching ton
of advertisements & not benefiting anything(unless you are watching
educational program). Instead, go on the computer & read or learn
how to do something new.
of advertisements & not benefiting anything(unless you are watching
educational program). Instead, go on the computer & read or learn
how to do something new.
39. Fast food restaurants often fill your cup with a lot of ice as to save on
actual beverage. Ask for easy ice & get the quality stuff!
actual beverage. Ask for easy ice & get the quality stuff!
40. If you need to sneeze & it doesn't came out, look up into the light fixture,
it'll help!
it'll help!
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