(Second set of Funny Life Hacks & Cheats.)
12. Convince neighbours that you have invented a 'SHRINKING' device by ruffling your hair, wearing a white laboratory coats and parking a digger outside your house for a few days. Then dim and flicker the lights in your house during the night
and replace the digger unseen with a Tonka toy of the same description. Watch their faces in the morning!
13. Ford Ka drivers - Attach a lighted sparkler to the roof of your car before starting a long journey. You drive the things like dodgem cars anyway, so it may as well look like one.
14. Fool other drivers into thinking you have an expensive car phone by holding an old TV or video remote control up to your ear and occasionally swerving acrossthe road and mounting the curb.
15. When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant.
16. The easiest way to find something you’ve lost is to buy a replacement.
17. Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
18. There are two kinds of pedestrians – the quick and the dead.
19. Life is sexually transmitted.
20. An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys.
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